Osceola Township Business Directory
Osceola Township has many wonderful businesses that are here to serve your needs in many areas. Most have been around for a very long time and have superb reputations among the people in our communities and all over the Upper Peninsula. Check out our local businesses!
- All Seasons Upholstery - 51481 M-26, Tamarack City - (906) 281-3777
- Bay Electric - 48643 Banfield Ave/M-26, Dollar Bay - (906) 482-8784
- Brookestone Builders - Bill Tourtillott, General Contractor, Licensed & Insured - (906) 370-6921
- Carlson Contracting - Third St., Dollar Bay - (906) 482-4968
- Coppermine Food & Spirits - 51734 Tamarack St., Tamarack City - (906) 296-0504
- Dollar Bay Linoleum & Tile - 48750 Main St., Dollar Bay - (906) 482-5700
- Horner Flooring - 23400 Hellman Ave., Dollar Bay - (906) 482-1180
- Jim's Septic Tank Cleaning - 48569 Banfield Ave/M-26, Dollar Bay - (906) 482-0036
- Kramer's Service - 51989 Duncan Ave., Tamarack - (906) 296-0791
- Lakeland-Luoma Insurance Agencies - 51664 Tamarack Street, Tamarack City - (906) 296-0638
- Lakeland-Luoma Insurance Agencies Second Location - 100 Lake Linden Ave., Laurium - (906) 337-2112
- LeClaire Surveying Services - Steven J. LeClaire, PS - (906) 370-7564
- Martin Custom & Collision - 48844 Banfield Ave/M-26, Dollar Bay - (906) 482-7708
- Men-Co - 54921 US-Hwy 41, Calumet - (906) 337-3700
- Northside Auto - 55916 US-Hwy 41, Calumet - (906) 337-2080
- Quincy's Restaurant & Lounge - 48860 Banfield Ave/M-26, Dollar Bay - (906) 482-2118
- Partanens Bar - Main Street, Dollar Bay - (906) 482-1950
- Priceless Rent-A-Car - 48540 Banfield Ave/M-26, Dollar Bay - (906) 482-5666
- Richies Market - 48655 Main Street, Dollar Bay - (906) 482-4830
- Riutta Contracting - 54940 US-Hwy 41, Calumet - (906) 337-5764
- Superior Auto Tech - 25625 Millionaire St., Calumet - (906) 337-2757
- Transmission & Engine Exchange - 48540 Banfield Ave/Hwy M-26, Dollar Bay - (906) 483-0408
- Ward's Husqvarna - 48602 Banfield Ave/M-26, Dollar Bay - (906) 482-6255
- Caring.com - Senior care resources for family caregivers - (800) 973-1540
*If you are the owner of any business in Osceola Township and would like your business listed, updated or not advertised on this website, please let us know.
Places of Worship
- Bethany Baptist Church - 48544 Main St., Dollar Bay - (906) 482-6940
- St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church - 23176 Fir Ave., Dollar Bay - (906) 482-6489
Dollar Bay Trash Pick-Up
- Curb-side garbage pick-up in Dollar Bay is on Tuesday mornings (Wednesday mornings if there is a holiday that week). You MUST use the blue tags that can be purchased at Richie's Market or at Waste Management in Houghton. Waste Management will not pick up your garbage if there is not a tag attached to the bag.
Tamarack City Trash Pick-Up
- Trash pick-up in Tamarack City is through the Schoolcraft/Torch Lake Joint Refuse. Please call Torch Lake Township at 296-0214.
For information about recycling in Houghton County visit www.coppercountryrecyclereuse.com/recycling-resources
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